DongIT member of Cyberveilig Nederland
DongIT has become a member of Cyberveilig Nederland
We are pleased to announce that DongIT became a member of Cyberveilig Nederland (Cybersafe Netherlands) on 5 June 2018.
Cyberveilig Nederland is the interest group in the cybersecurity sector. Cyberveilig Nederland aims to increase the Netherlands' digital resilience and the quality and transparency within the growing cybersecurity sector.
Why is Cyberveilig Nederland set up, and what is its role?
97.1 percent of the Dutch population has access to the internet. The Netherlands thus belongs to the digital vanguard within Europe. This digitization brings with it significant economic and social opportunities. We must have permanent confidence in our information and information systems to take advantage of these opportunities. Therefore, more attention to cyber security is not a luxury but a necessity.
Cyberveilig Nederland sees a role to remove this ambiguity from the sector and stimulate the high quality of services, for example, by developing quality labels. However, transparency and a guarantee of quality are lacking. Both are necessary elements to ensure confidence in the sector.

For more information, see: https://cyberveilignederland.nl/